I first saw this story on Facebook, shared by a friend who encouraged watching the video with “I would like for every softball / baseball player and coaches to watch this.”  Since it is ball season, and goodness knows, we could all use some inspiration these days, I followed the link, Injury Turns into Inspiration […]

It’s a Book.  It’s an awesome book, entitled It’s a Book.  In the theme of a three year old asking “Why is the sky blue?” followed by multiple subsequent questions, our characters (a mouse, a jackass, and a monkey) explore an absolutely hilarious dialog about this thing called a book and what features it has […]

Let’s face it.  There are snakes in the country.  Belly Acres is no exception.  During a front porch conversation with a friend who lives in Florida, we started talking about what people had been doing lately to get rid of the snakes.  I listed out all the ways I could think of to get rid […]

Beyond the hearty green festivities of Saint Patrick’s Day, March actually contains more days of celebration than many may know.  …and regardless of one’s heritage, there are at least 5 days in March providing motive for merriment. Saint Patrick’s Day – Irish Pi Day – Greek The Ides of March – Roman Daylight Savings Time […]

Organizing the Bookcase

March 13th, 2011

I just recommended Stephen King’s UR to a fellow Kindle reader.  …an absoulte MUST read for the Kindle.  🙂…made me think of my own task of managing the bookshelves of tradiational tomes.  Dude, the guy in this video makes rearranging bookshelves look like fun!  I’m thinking digital copies are MUCH easier to manage. …but then, […]

Ok.  I can’t help it.  Some folks read trashy romance novels.  Some read tabloids.  My guilty pleasure recently has been Cracked.com.  …can’t help it.  …get posts from ’em on facebook and just can’t HELP reading them.  LOL! It’s a bit irreverent, so if you’re easily offended, I don’t recommend the site for you.  For those […]

Ok.  I obviously can’t say too much about where I work, but this clip from YouTube is a public video to explain to folks what we do at the CDP (Center for Domestic Preparedness).  As for me, I work on the training manuals and materials.  The second video (below), however, is why I REALLY love […]

Cathartic Tunes and Tones

March 1st, 2011

Yep.  We all have THOSE days.  …just want to pop in a CD, drive, and leave all our cares behind.  I actually made a list of my favorite “Get Over It” songs on LM5 and some of the best reasons to play them LOUD.  After a friend’s Facebook post today, however, I’m thinking that certain […]