Honda – The Cog

Posted April 8th, 2011 by

I’ve always loved this video/commercial, but the only verbal line in the whole thing (at the end) really strikes me as appropriate lately.  🙂

“Isn’t it nice when things just work?”

2 Responses to “Honda – The Cog”

  1. Barbie Crafts

    Never saw this before…reminds me of that thing my daughter was in called, “Creative something…Destination Imagination …etc..” can'[t remember! They had to build things like that out of macaroni or something.

  2. CD Clocks

    Ahhh, my inner geek is glowing. I loved science projects, and I LOVE this video. I’ve always been fascinated by dominoes, too. (I think I saw dominoes configured to fall in a pattern long before I realized they were game pieces. LOL)