Y’all know I’m not much for entering contests, but THIS one is special. Joshilyn Jackson, author of Gods in Alabama is running a contest for the remaining fox figurines she had her brother create, originally, as gifts for people at her publishing house and the booksellers who had been hand-selling her work.
LOOK at this foxy lady figurine!
Now, y’all know from my Facebook updates every time Joshilyn Jackson publishes a new book. …usually in the form of the Audible.com notice “Sherry just purchased The Latest Title” or some link to a signing or book talk she’s doing in the area. You all know I’m a fan of her work because I’ve recommended her books and audiobooks (especially the ones she reads herself) to pretty much all of you at some time or another.
Doesn’t that precious fox figurine just BELONG near my front door, welcoming guests into our home in Belly Acres, Alabama?

If you haven’t bought all her books already, I’ll provide links at the end of this post. Heck, even if you have them all, you can always purchase extra copies as gifts. (The author does live in the South. Chances are pretty good you could get them autographed, too. She lists book tour dates on her web site at http://www.joshilynjackson.com/tour.html. In fact, check with Alabama Booksmith in Birmingham if you can’t catch her live. The owner is really good at stocking and obtaining autographed copies of books by southern authors.)
Here’s what I need y’all to do (other than buy all her books). Let Joshilyn Jackson know that I am a long-time fan who always recommends her books to anyone who has an interest in southern lit, sassy southern chick lit, southern gothic, or just a dang good read. Comment here on the Belly Acres, Alabama blog. Tell your story. How did you first encounter Joshilyn Jackson? What do you like best about her work?
Comment here on the blog post, or email Joshilyn Jackson to campaign on my behalf. Ask Joshilyn Jackson to send a fox to Belly Acres, Alabama!
You can order each of her books from Amazon.com, or, if you like the audiobooks as much as the written copies, you can purchase them through audible.com.
May 20th, 2011 - 9:21 am
Sherri…I have been looking for a new summer read and this sounds like just the ticket!…Thanks for the suggestions…Now off to the Kindle store!
May 21st, 2011 - 2:38 am
Oh, YOU are going to LOVE these books. If you haven’t read any of Joshilyn Jackson’s books yet, I suggest starting with Gods in Alabama (which sparked the spin-off, Backseat Saints) or Between, Georgia. Gods in Alabama was her first, and best-known super-hit, but truly, I liked Between, Georgia almost as much.