Too far, snakey, & I’m skeered of frogs

Posted March 20th, 2011 by

Let’s face it.  There are snakes in the country.  Belly Acres is no exception.  During a front porch conversation with a friend who lives in Florida, we started talking about what people had been doing lately to get rid of the snakes. 

I listed out all the ways I could think of to get rid of the boogers.
The Top Five Methods to Exterminate a Poisonous Snake

My friend started listing the types of snakes they tend to encounter in Florida.

The Top Five Poisonous Snakes In Florida

March Melting Pot of Celebrations – Irish, Greek, Roman, and More

Posted March 17th, 2011 by
Beyond the hearty green festivities of Saint Patrick’s Day, March actually contains more days of celebration than many may know.  …and regardless of one’s heritage, there are at least 5 days in March providing motive for merriment.
  • Saint Patrick’s Day – Irish
  • Pi Day – Greek
  • The Ides of March – Roman
  • Daylight Savings Time (DST) – annoying morning people
  • March Madness – shoppers (or basketball fans)

For more details on each March fiesta, see The Top Five Monumental March Days to Celebrate

Organizing the Bookcase

Posted March 13th, 2011 by

I just recommended Stephen King’s UR to a fellow Kindle reader.  …an absoulte MUST read for the Kindle.  🙂

…made me think of my own task of managing the bookshelves of tradiational tomes.  Dude, the guy in this video makes rearranging bookshelves look like fun! 

I’m thinking digital copies are MUCH easier to manage. …but then, what do I do with all those traditionally bound books?

I created a LM5 article on possibilities for passing along used books.  Maybe that will help.

But what about all these ebooks I’m accumulating?  Can I loan or share those?  Can I ever purge them from my library if they’re truly terrible?  How am I supposed to organize my digital bookshelves????

Cracked up over “If Google Search Results Had a Sense of Humor”

Posted March 10th, 2011 by
Ok.  I can’t help it.  Some folks read trashy romance novels.  Some read tabloids.  My guilty pleasure recently has been
…can’t help it.  …get posts from ’em on facebook and just can’t HELP reading them.  LOL!
It’s a bit irreverent, so if you’re easily offended, I don’t recommend the site for you.  For those who are NOT so easily offended, you may find yourself ROTFLOL.
Today’s howling hysteria came from one of Cracked’s PhotoPlasty Contests entitled “If Google Search Results Had a Sense of Humor.”  I started with number 22 and immediately HAD to blog about it.  I resembled the remarks just too darned closely.  🙂 Here’s the Cracked photoplasty #22:

You can scroll through the other entries directly through the following link (starting with 22, of course.)

Whatcha say front porch pickers?  What’s your guilty reading/audio/video pleasure?  Name some funny ones!  We could all use more laughs.  🙂

Why I Love Emergency Responders

Posted March 3rd, 2011 by

Ok.  I obviously can’t say too much about where I work, but this clip from YouTube is a public video to explain to folks what we do at the CDP (Center for Domestic Preparedness).  As for me, I work on the training manuals and materials.  The second video (below), however, is why I REALLY love working with emergency responders.  Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!  Love it, Chattanooga!!!!!!!

Cathartic Tunes and Tones

Posted March 1st, 2011 by
Yep.  We all have THOSE days.  …just want to pop in a CD, drive, and leave all our cares behind.  I actually made a list of my favorite “Get Over It” songs on LM5 and some of the best reasons to play them LOUD. 
After a friend’s Facebook post today, however, I’m thinking that certain sounds in general are just uniquely cathartic.  I nearly fell in the floor laughing along with the baby SO enjoying the sound of his Daddy tearing up a job rejection letter…and then, credit applications.

Who knew the sound of ripping paper could be so cathartic?  What tunes or tones do you recommend to sooth the savage mood?  I can personally think of many, many documents that I would thoroughly enjoy ripping to shreds.  You?
By the way, I’m not sure if LM5 allows a lot of links, so I’ve listed my Get Over It song favorites here.  Enjoy Front Porch Pickers!

Some Beach – Blake Shelton’s Barn and Grill

Come Sail Away – Come Sail Away – The Styx Anthology

My Life – The Essential Billy Joel

It’s My Life – Bon Jovi Greatest Hits – The Ultimate Collection

Kickin’ Up Mud!!!

Posted February 28th, 2011 by

What an absolutely beautiful day in Belly Acres!  The boys were definitely out kickin’ up mud today!  …well, dust and dirt clods.  …hasn’t rained a lot lately.  🙂

If you haven’t seen the music video for The Lacs’s “Kickin’ Up Mud,” you’ll enjoy this link to the official video.  If you like the song as much as I do, you can purchase it through iTunes through the following link: Country Boy’s Paradise – The Lacs.  If the muddy pole dancer is a bit much for you, (I could have done without that, myself.) there’s an unofficial video below.  Mostly, it’s the song in the background while guys really do enjoy some serious mud ridin’. 

Ooooouuuwwweeeeeeee!  That looks like fun!  Any other mud ridin’ fans out there?  What’s your vehicle of choice? Do you prefer wet/water-like muddin’ or thick muddin’?  Have you been mud riding?  Have you been covered in mud?  Whatcha think?  Love it?  Hate it?

Weather’s gettin’ just right!  I we don’t meet up on the porch first, I’ll see y’all on the trails.  Have a great week, y’all!

3rd attorney wants off Auburn tree-poisoning case <—- Anniston Star/Associated Press Story

Bwahahahahaha!  Really?  What Alabama attorney would WANT to defend Harvey Updyke Jr, accused tree poisoner of the Toomer’s Corner oak trees?

The first two attorneys withdrew citing conflicts…association or family association with Auburn.  This third attorney cites an “irreconcilable conflict” between him and the defendant.


Truly, what are the chances that ANY attorney in the state of Alabama wouldn’t have SOME connection or conflict in this case?  Everyone I know has SOME kind of connection to UA, AU, or both.

Now, I’m REALLY interested to see how many court appointed attorneys it takes before finding one who can stomach representing this guy.  Anyone taking any bets? 

Neither a borrower, nor a lender be…without refilling the gas tank!

Posted February 21st, 2011 by

Really?  Seriously?  I really thought the first time I read this Facebook post, that it was a joke.

Then, I clicked the link to the story.

Holy cow!  …and these are folks in our community!  AAhhhhh-ite porch pickers, hide them car keys.  …ain’t nobody borrowing nor lending a vehicle for a while unless it’s a high efficiency hybrid or electric.  …No stab wounds over gas money!  …sounds like a bad post apocalyptic sci-fi movie.

Disney Magic, in Autographs

Posted February 20th, 2011 by
Once upon a time, I found this book on eBay entitled Disney Pals Autograph Artist.  I was young and distracted…and I let the auction end without participating in any serious bidding.  I’ve been looking for that book ever since. 
We all know that Disney cast members are extensively trained to work in the parks.  Particular mannerisms, movements, voices, catch phrases, costumes, etc. are all true to the characters we all know and love.  Well, it seems that even the “autographs” have been meticulously designed for each character.  Disney Pals Autograph Artist was apparently a book created by Disney, specifically for cast members playing characters…to teach them to sign the characters autographs consistently in the Disney designated way.
I love it.
Yes.  I have a Disney autograph book.  No, I haven’t used it in years, but I really LOVE the character so clearly seen in these autographs.  There’s Disney magic even in the autographs.  …and there should be since I can only IMAGINE how much money Disney makes selling autograph books and pens at all the parks.
Being the crafty wanna-be that I am, I still want that book.  I have a feeling that book was never supposed to be sold to non-cast members, but I’d still love to have that book.  I just love the art and character in the signatures, and I’d like to see the original “official” autographs used as the examples.
Oh well, until I can find the book (and I will keep looking), I guess I’ll have to make do with my autograph book and some of the online posts of collected autographs.  Ryan’s Disney Character Autograph Book online is one of my favorites.  J
I also have two WONDERFUL pillow cases full of classic Disney autographs.  Did you know that if you take pillow cases and a pen(s) with you on a Disney cruise, that you can leave them with the cast to collect autographs?  …truly a most AWESOME souvenir.  Click here to see more information on autographed pillow cases.
So, what say you from the porch? …anyone else have any good autograph stories?  …anyone have an autograph that’s particularly special to you?  …anyone else a hopeless Disney fan?  J